What is L- Citrulline?
Citrulline is a substance called a non-essential amino acid which changes into another amino acid called L-arginine and also into a chemical called nitric oxide by the kidneys.
These compounds are important for your heart and blood vessel health. They may also boost your immune system function
What is L- Citrulline malate?
Malate, or malic acid, is a salt compound that is often used as a food preservative and, in nature, contributes to the sour flavor of apples and other fruit.
In a supplement form, the body is given stability when it is combined with citrulline and other supplements.
fatigue-fighting capabilities of its own is also thought to be a benefit of Malate, by helping the body re- use lactic acid and use it for energy.
Difference between L- Citrulline and citrulline malate
The desired effects of citrulline are assisted with the presence of malic acid.
Even though citrulline malate does increase the levels of arginine in the bloodstream, an effective nitric oxide production does not make the arginine a limiting factor.
In other words, your body already has enough l-arginine circulating in your body in order to maximize its effects, and dumping a few extra grams on top of this is not very likely going to make a difference when it comes to nitric oxide production or any additional workout performance.
This is all in theory that it may not be as effective, although increase in performance by combining L- citrulline with the malic acid for an extra “pump” instead of just supplementing with the L- citrulline has been shown by several studies.
Malic acid is essentially just a tool that helps with the absorption of the L-Citrulline which would further increase the nitric oxide content in the bloodstream.
L-Citrulline vs Citrulline Malate Whats The Difference
The purpose of this video is to help you understand how the amino acid L-citrulline can enhance nitric oxide therapy for improve blood flow.
Citrulline malate dosage
The correct Citrulline malate dosage for the best benefits for training and recovery is between 6-8 grams. This can be mixed into whatever liquid you want based on your taste preference. Around 30-45 minutes prior to your training session is when Citrulline malate should be taken to give it enough time for absorption into the bloodstream.
It’s important to note that citrulline malate does have a very strong sour taste to it, so you’ll probably want to mix it in a flavored drink of your choice in order to mask this.
It’s recommended to use just plain water and just simply “man” it out if you want to avoid the extra calories.
What’s the difference between 2:1 and 1:1 citrulline malate?
Single-ingredient Citrulline Malate are supplements that offer l-citrulline-dl-malate powder with a 1:1 ratio of citrulline to malate. In some cases, the citrulline to malate ratio may be 2:1, although such products do not claim any advantage over the 1:1 ratio.
The only difference between the two ratios is that more citrulline has been placed over the malate content, which in theory would cause you to think that the more Citrulline , the more nitric oxide production.
Benefits of L-Citrulline vs Citrulline malate
L-Citrulline has the potential to be used as treatment for the same conditions as L-arginine, in addition to being used as a sport supplement for performance.
Increasing nitric oxide levels in the bloodstream is how L-arginine works primarily.
Increasing blood circulation to the various organs, including the heart, skin and even sexual organs is a result of higher nitric oxide levels which relax and dilate blood vessels in the body.
L-arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid, which means the body can normally manufacture a sufficient supply, although times of stress or injury it can be depleted form the body.
Many foods, including meat, dairy products, fish, poultry, nuts and chocolate, have a good source of L-arginine Promotion, ATP production and creatine phosphate regeneration is a different form studied in patients with fatigue that has been shown with Citrulline malate.
L-Citrulline alone has not been shown to have these benefits.
L-citrulline malate not only increases your bodies’ performance at the gym, but also helps to aid recovery outside of the gym as well through a healthy blood flow.
The only known side effect of Citrulline malate supplementation may cause stomach discomfort in a certain percentage of users (around 15% based on the available studies).This effect will be reduced through consuming your Citrulline malate on an empty stomach.
There are no reported side effects of L-Citrulline.
However, the way certain drugs work in your body may be affected. Do not take this supplement if you are taking:
- Nitrates for heart disease or heart conditions
- Erectile Dysfunction drugs such as Cialis or Viagra
A dangerous drop in blood pressure and negative effects on your heart conditions may be caused by combining L-Citrulline with those drugs.
You should also be careful when taking L-Citrulline if you take any type of blood pressure medicine as it may interfere with the absorption and effects of the drug
Do not use L-Citrulline if you are pregnant or breastfeeding your child. Always inform your doctor about any supplements you are taking. That way, your doctor can check on any potential side effects or interactions with any medications to avoid any potential health risks.Consider increasing the foods that contain nitric oxide instead and see how your body will react if you are a bit nervous about taking this supplement, These Supplements are not regulated by the FDA but are seen as safe by the users of it and users have seen some positive benefits to further their training
malic acid is needed to assist and is used as a delivery system with the absorption of nitrate that L-Citrulline increases into the bloodstream, Citrulline malate is seen to be a safe supplement as long as you don’t have any existing heart conditions or you are taking any blood pressure medication. In a dosage of 6-8g, 30-45 minutes prior to training, taking the supplement as a pre-workout is more effective and also assists with the recovery process. Use a ratio of 1:1 for the best results from this supplement.